03 May 2010

new house sleeplessness

for three nights in a row now i have not slept as i should. i struggle to fall asleep with my brain busy with house plans (we began to move in on saturday), and when i am wakened by one of my children (which is every night during this unsettled time) i can't get back to sleep once they are settled for the same reason.

this morning rebekah came into the already crowded bed at about 4:15am, whispering about how dark and scary it was in the living room on her inflatable mattress. i carried her back out, intending to go back to sleep lying next to her. she snuggled her back up close to me (it was still dark and scary i guess) and fell asleep while i lay there thinking and thinking.

finally i pulled out my phone (i have a touch phone with internet access so i frequently spend time in the middle of the night keeping up on the news, email, the weather, and facebook). after an hour of that i decided it was close enough to civilized morning to just get up and get on the computer instead!

so here i am.

but instead of productively typing out all my plans, i'm messing around reading stuff, and now writing. but that's okay. when else will i do this sort of thing?

happily yours truly,


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