28 April 2010


a list:

i worked over the summer.

the kids and i went on little nature walks and used our little red wagon to go to the library and park.

i visited goodwill and yard sales weekly. thrifting became officially a hobby of mine.

we planted flowers that were quickly overgrown by weeds when we were in utah in may.

in october james was called to interview for a portuguese position at byu.

in november i visited my parents during my mom's back surgery.

while there we got the news that james had gotten the job at byu.

i flew home on thanksgiving and we started making plans to move.

after two days we heard that my mom had a heart attack and our plan time frame hit hyper speed.

within 3 1/2 weeks we had mostly packed, my sister jl came out and drove with the kids and me to utah. james followed just before christmas.

i still miss our nashville life and friends.

we have been living with my parents since then.

i found out i was pregnant shortly after christmas: a very welcome pregnancy.

i tried home schooling daniel, but was very tired and unorganized.

i miscarried in february.

we enrolled daniel in school at the beginning of march.

we are now buying a house and are soooo excited to not be all sleeping in the same room come next week!

daniel will do first grade (again) at another school in a spanish dual-immersion program, so i went ahead and pulled him back out of school. :)

we visit tux shops for fun.

rebekah speaks made-up spanish when we talk about our future as a bilingual family. she imitates the sound really well. so funny!

i'm now participating in the EAGeR study. it's about the effects of low-dose aspirin on fertility and gestation. in other words, can it help you get pregnant and stay pregnant? that is the question. i'm a fan of science.

and i want just one more baby. :)

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