04 November 2011

what's in my head

a wish list:

  • study/train in the Montessori method and have a Montessori home
  • get a master's in exercise science and pursue either whole family fitness (see idea below); fitness/exercise for cancer survivors, particularly breast cancer; or women's fitness in preparing for, during, and post pregnancy.
  • start a blog about family fitness (bookworm family fitness: a guide to an active lifestyle for un-sporty people like us)
  • homeschool my kids at least some of their school years
  • have a hand made home: home made clothing, pillows, bedding, artwork, etc.
  • learn to build furniture (see ana-white.com ... so excited about this one!)
  • be awesome in general and not have days like yesterday when i'm NOT awesome, even though my family seemed to like me anyway, except maybe james, who still loves me even when he doesn't like me very much. that happens you know.

22 October 2011

hey, i think it's working!

i wasn't planning on posting, but when this popped up before i could get sucked into pinterest, i thought i'd write first!

i was thinking of starting a new blog. yes, you must laugh about it. and so must i! it was one of those things where it seemed like starting fresh would make it work. like james and paper journals. he has several blank books with the first part of the book filled and the latter part still blank. i benefited from his latest attempt. he bought a red moleskin journal to take to brazil. he took it, and then gave it to me when he returned with the whole thing unused. he begged me to stop writing plans for the house and random lists on loose pages all over the place. it's worked. i've been using my house journal/idea book like crazy. ANYWAY, i was going to call the blog "unfinished" and use it to chronicle all of my half-way there projects. a fitting title, right? but maybe i should just write right here for now, on my half-way blog. ;)

21 October 2011


well, i want to blog again. i do this about once a year, right? this time my strategy is to set my blog as my homepage. maybe it'll stick? how many years have i had this? silly, silly me.