07 February 2009

aw man!

can you believe i already missed january?

what a bummer.

oh well. here i am again, inspired by someone who inspires me. my sister k just started a blog. :)

and i'll give you a snapshot of my day instead of promises about what i might be doing here in some vague future.

the kids snuggled and climbed on me until i was awake and decided to reenter the vertical world for yet another day. i said something to daniel as he hugged me and he wretched and spit into the trash can, complaining that my stink had gotten into his mouth and he had to spit it out. morning breath. oops.

the rest of the house, especially james' office, was unusually quiet. rebekah kept insisting that dad had gone to school, to which i kept replying, "it's SATURDAY rebekah". after calling (getting his voicemail) and texting "where are you?" i learned that he had gone to kentucky for the day to help with some winter storm damage cleanup for some church members there.

after breakfast the kids played outside while i got caught up on my email. (it's a beautiful not-too-cold day out there.) then we added a bajillion kids movies to my netflix queu together and decided to go to the library and park (a sometimes saturday morning tradition).

they climbed into the wagon (which i carried from the playroom to the door, to daniel's amazement. i explained, "well, i'm a big strong mama" to which he replied in a way that somehow negated me, "but i'm as strong as superman!") and we headed off. we walked down our street, around the corner, across the big street and to our destination. we whispered our way through the library, picking out dvds and books and then rushed to the red caboose park.

ahhh: sand and swings and slides and lots of kids and running and getting windier! and people with their dogs and hide and seek and tiny kids and big kids and sharing the swings and climbing around and by 12:03 it was time to go home for lunch after which (bribe) we could eat ice cream cones in the back yard.

after lunch i scooped strawberry ice cream into three cones. we sat around the batman table for a few bites. the wind picked up and we agreed it was clearly time to eat over a towel in the living room instead.

and that brings me more or less to the present. rebekah is singing in a nice warm bath and daniel is savoring that last little bit of his ice cream. and i'm going back and forth to the computer to write this.

and the day's only half over!

hooray for saturday!

1 comment:

~K. said...

ee-ee.... the best big sis that anyone could ever have... you inspired me to create my blog... you have always inspired me and i have spent my life learning from you and wanting to be just like my big sis... thank you. love you forever and ever and ever... ~k.