13 November 2008

ninja crickets

ha! it's been over a month.

oh well.

these are the things that i blogged about in my imagination in the meantime:

the ninja crickets that live, hide, and ambush me in my laundry room. they have skills, man.

then i blogged about eat, pray, love, which i read for bookclub and loved. related to that i blogged about my interest in learning to meditate for realsies.

i blogged a little bit about how much i adore obama and why, complete with photo of my obama action figure. (i even mentioned my 6 year-old neighbor who, son of pro-mccain people, asked me about it and protested, "but obama doesn't even know how to fight!")

most recently i started blogging about the book that i picked up at the library in preparation for standing in a voting line, which i didn't even have to wait in (go early voting), and which book i started reading when i got home.

and so today, since i've written about all that other stuff, i'm going to write about my best friend and our endeavor to create a space to nurture our creative selves in.

it sort of started with get crafty, the aforementioned library book about creating rather than consuming and living even the details of our lives deliberately.

ooh, i'm going to be cool and put links on the books i mentioned. just a sec.

ok, there ya go.

so anyway, i have these little things i dream about and work towards in my life. most of the time i fall miserably short of what i would like to achieve or be. so when the author (jean railla) of get crafty started talking about "girl groups" i initially rolled my eyes. but i kept reading and as she described the changes that each member of her own group made that led them away from the group but into positive movement in their own lives i suddenly felt a longing for the kind of support they shared that allowed them to move forward like that.

i thought of the many half-finished, half-begun and un-begun projects or endeavors i have taken on over the years. (or not quite taken on but merely thought on wistfully).... and how often i have felt that just a little encouragement might have helped me stick with it. on one hand i am sadly dependent on others for confidence (i can't quite put the "self" there in front of confident, since that's what's lacking, but knowing, dear reader, that it's there may clarify the sentence for you). on the other hand, maybe i'm just a normal self conscious human, deserving of a little support here and there. know what i mean?

in my head i began forming my own ideal group. and i found that most of the women on my list didn't know each other, and only two or three of them lived close enough to participate in an actual gathering.

i naturally called my bff to talk about it. and our new blog is in gestation.

i'm so excited that i even blogged about it!

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