31 December 2008

last day of 2008

well, maybe a good goal for my blog would be to write at least once a month. that would be an improvement from last year, right? and now that i have my own little laptop setup in the dining room, i think i might even succeed!

well, i've been standing here for a few minutes now (yes, i stand at my computer) and discovering that maybe i don't really have something to write about at the moment... just the enthusiasm for writing got me to open this post.


what would be perfect right now would be to post pictures... i have a bunch of knitting projects i haven't documented at all, maybe i'll go take some pics and come back later.


13 November 2008

ninja crickets

ha! it's been over a month.

oh well.

these are the things that i blogged about in my imagination in the meantime:

the ninja crickets that live, hide, and ambush me in my laundry room. they have skills, man.

then i blogged about eat, pray, love, which i read for bookclub and loved. related to that i blogged about my interest in learning to meditate for realsies.

i blogged a little bit about how much i adore obama and why, complete with photo of my obama action figure. (i even mentioned my 6 year-old neighbor who, son of pro-mccain people, asked me about it and protested, "but obama doesn't even know how to fight!")

most recently i started blogging about the book that i picked up at the library in preparation for standing in a voting line, which i didn't even have to wait in (go early voting), and which book i started reading when i got home.

and so today, since i've written about all that other stuff, i'm going to write about my best friend and our endeavor to create a space to nurture our creative selves in.

it sort of started with get crafty, the aforementioned library book about creating rather than consuming and living even the details of our lives deliberately.

ooh, i'm going to be cool and put links on the books i mentioned. just a sec.

ok, there ya go.

so anyway, i have these little things i dream about and work towards in my life. most of the time i fall miserably short of what i would like to achieve or be. so when the author (jean railla) of get crafty started talking about "girl groups" i initially rolled my eyes. but i kept reading and as she described the changes that each member of her own group made that led them away from the group but into positive movement in their own lives i suddenly felt a longing for the kind of support they shared that allowed them to move forward like that.

i thought of the many half-finished, half-begun and un-begun projects or endeavors i have taken on over the years. (or not quite taken on but merely thought on wistfully).... and how often i have felt that just a little encouragement might have helped me stick with it. on one hand i am sadly dependent on others for confidence (i can't quite put the "self" there in front of confident, since that's what's lacking, but knowing, dear reader, that it's there may clarify the sentence for you). on the other hand, maybe i'm just a normal self conscious human, deserving of a little support here and there. know what i mean?

in my head i began forming my own ideal group. and i found that most of the women on my list didn't know each other, and only two or three of them lived close enough to participate in an actual gathering.

i naturally called my bff to talk about it. and our new blog is in gestation.

i'm so excited that i even blogged about it!

01 October 2008

Blogging Schmlogging

James has been blogging for over a year now. One of my best friends has been blogging since before most people even knew what it was. My other best friend has been blogging for a couple of years. I've tried it a little before too... without consistency or success. But I enjoy so much what they do that I often think wistfully of being as cool. And then I keep doing dishes or reading or knitting or sighing lazily about in my perpetually messy home and don't do anything about it.

I actually thought I posted a blog last night. Don't know where it went or why I thought I'd succeeded because maybe it was part of a dream. But in my dream post I said something cool like this (but phrased more eloquently... another clue that I may have dreamed the whole thing):

I've been pregnant with the idea of blogging for months and months now. Maybe I'm beginning to have labor pains.

Maybe just braxton hicks.

False labor?

I guess we'll see.

I ended dramatically right there. Sure feels like I've typed that before.

But the fact that I came back tonight to write my second post of the year (yes, in October), or at least in my dream it would have been the second post, says that maybe the labor was genuine. Do I have a baby yet?

I was about to type, "Not sure yet" with the same dramatic-type pause surrounding "I guess we'll see," but I think the metaphor is losing it's relevancy here. You're usually sure when the baby is out instead of in.

I guess I'm feeling non-commital about this. No need to get your hopes up (by "your" I mean "my") I'll most likely kill you in the morning, I mean, I'll most likely wait another year or so to post again.

But maybe not. See, right now I really want to talk about the books I'm reading. I like to read at night until I fall asleep. Addicted to it in fact. Watch me try to fall asleep without a little novel and my mini reading light and you will see me toss and turn with worry for hours. There are worse dependecies out there. The good thing about this little habit is that it has taken me back to the kind of voracious appetite for books I had as a girl. I still like a fantasy fix every few books, but I've been introduced to a lot of other things (including real literature as well as teen candy fiction) through my book club and James' assignments (James only assigns me real literature though...Latin American, he scoffs at candy fiction. The book club girls, however, understand that both are okay).

So right now I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. We are discussing it tomorrow night at book club. I've read most of the books but only attended twice this year. Rather silly of me. But this month I am determined to fight my sleepiness and spend a night with the girls discussing this book. I've read the Eat section and just finished the Pray section tonight. I'll start the Love section as I fall asleep in the next hour or so.

Perhaps I'll write more about it tomorrow, but for now suffice it to say that I want to take up meditation. Don't know if I'll ever make it to India as the author did, but I'm pregnant now with the idea of beginning that practice. I might be pregnant with it for a couple years, like blogging, who knows how long my gestational period might be (sometimes I'm drawn out like an elephant with this sort of thing) but maybe I'll even tell you about it, dear reader.